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MySQL数据库分支系统MariaDB 10.2.6官方最新版

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MySQL数据库分支系统MariaDB 10.2.6官方最新版下载
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  • 应用语言:中文
  • 应用大小:453M
  • 更新时间:2017-05-24 10:15
  • 发行时间:
  • 应用类型:普通
  • 应用标签: MariaDB

MySQL数据库分支系统MariaDB 10.2.6官方最新版是MySQL的一个分支,兼容MySQL,现有的MySQL数据库可以迁移到MariaDB中使用,需要的用户赶快来下载吧。


Maria 存储引擎

PBXT 存储引擎

XtraDB 存储引擎

FederatedX 存储引擎





更多的 Extensions (More index parts, new startup options etc)




支持对 Unicode 的排序



InnoDB as default

InnoDB is now the default storage engine. Until MariaDB 10.1, MariaDB used the XtraDB storage engine as default

Syntax / general features

MyRocks alpha storage engine added (MDEV-9658)

Window functions have been introduced.

The SHOW CREATE USER statement was introduced

New CREATE USER options for limiting resource usage and tls/ssl

New ALTER USER statement

Recursive Common Table Expressions (MDEV-9864)

New WITH statement.WITHis a common table expression that allows you to  refer to a subquery expression many times in a query (MDEV-8308 & MDEV-9864) — Original code from Galina Shalygina

Support for CHECK CONSTRAINT (MDEV-7563)

Support for DEFAULT with expressions (MDEV-10134)

BLOB and TEXT fields can now have aDEFAULTvalue

Lots of restrictions lifted for Virtual computed columns

Number of supported decimals in DECIMAL has increased from30to38(MDEV-10138)

Added catchall for list partitions (MDEV-8348)

Oracle-style EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement (MDEV-10585)

PREPARE Statement now understands most expressions (MDEV-10866)

InnoDB tables now support spatial indexes

ed25519 authentication plugin (MDEV-12160)

Better InnoDB crash recovery progress reporting (MDEV-11027)

Improvements to InnoDB startup/shutdown to make it more robust

AWS Key Management plugin added for Windows, CentOS, RHEL, and Fedora packages


Multiple triggers for the same event (MDEV-6112)

The FOLLOWS/PRECEDES clauses have been added to the CREATE TRIGGER statement

Multiple triggers are now counted in the Executed_triggers status variable (MDEV-10915)

SHOW TRIGGERS and SHOW CREATE TRIGGER now include the date and time the trigger was created

Replication / binary log

DML_only flashback can rollback instances/databases/tables to an old snapshot (MDEV-10570)

New variable read_binlog_speed_limit permits restricting the speed at which the slave reads the binlog from the master (MDEV-11064) — Original code from Tencent Game DBA Team, developed by chouryzhou.

Delayed replication is supported (MDEV-7145)

Compression of events in the binary log is supported (MDEV-11065) — Original code from Tencent Game DBA Team, developed by vinchen.

Default binary log format changed to mixed (MDEV-7635)

Default value of replicate_annotate_row_events changed toON(MDEV-7635)

Default value of slave_net_timeout reduced to 60 seconds (MDEV-7635)

Default server_id changed from0to1


JSON functions added (MDEV-9143)

Implement ST_AsGeoJSON and ST_GeomFromGeoJSON functions so the spatial features can be imported/exported using GeoJSON format (MDEV-11042)

Information Schema

An information schema plugin to report all user variables, which creates the Information Schema USER_VARIABLES Table (MDEV-7331)


EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON now showsouter_ref_conditionfield which contains the condition that the(?) SELECT checks on each re-execution (MDEV-9652)

EXPLAN FORMAT=JSON now showssort_keyfield which shows the sort criteria used byfilesortoperation.  (commit 2078392)

EXPLAIN used to show incorrect information about how the optimizer resolvedORDER BYclause orDistinct. This was a long-standing problem with roots back in MySQL. Now, after MDEV-8646 and related fixes,  the problem doesn't exist anymore.  (For test cases, see MDEV-7982, MDEV-8857, MDEV-7885, MDEV-326)


Connection setup was made faster by moving creation of THD to new thread (MDEV-6150)

Pushdown conditions into non-mergeable views/derived tables (MDEV-9197) — Original code from Galina Shalygina

ANALYZE TABLE has been re-implemented so as not to lock the entire table when collecting engine independent statistics (MDEV-7901)

Internal CRC32 routines use the optimized implementation on Power8 — MDEV-9872

Table cache can automatically partition itself as needed to reduce the contention (MDEV-10296)


NO PAD collations, which means that end space are significant in comparisons (MDEV-9711) — Original code from Daniil Medvedev

MariaDB now works when started with a MySQL 5.7.6+ data directory (MDEV-11170)


Zipped File Tables for the CONNECT storage engine (MDEV-11295)

The CONNECT engine now supports the JDBC Table type (MDEV-9765)

System variables

For a list of all new variables, see System Variables Added in MariaDB 10.2 and Status Variables Added in MariaDB 10.2. These include:

aria_recover has been renamed to aria_recover_options (MDEV-8542)

Default values of the aria_recover and myisam_recover_options system variables changed toBACKUP,QUICK

The server version can now be faked to work around dated applications that require a particular version string (MDEV-7780

slave_parallel_workers is now an alias for slave_parallel_threads

New status variables com_alter_user, com_multi and com_show_create_user

New variable for setting a directory for storing temporary non-tablespace InnoDB files, innodb_tmpdir

New variable read_binlog_speed_limit permits restricting the speed at which the slave reads the binlog from the master (MDEV-11064)

innodb_log_files_in_group can now be set to1(MDEV-12061)

The thread pool now gives higher priority to connections that have an active transaction. This can be controlled with the new thread_pool_prio_kickup_timer and thread_pool_priority system variables. (MDEV-10297)

Default value of group_concat_max_len changed to 1M (MDEV-7635)

Default value of innodb_compression_algorithm changed tozlib- this does not mean pages are now compressed by default, see compression (MDEV-11838)

Default value of innodb_log_compressed_pages changed toON(MDEV-7635)

Default value of innodb_use_atomic_writes and innodb_use_trim changed toON

The unused innodb_api_* variables have been removed (MDEV-12050)

New status variables






Continuous binary log backup has been added to mysqlbinlog (MDEV-8713)

mysql_zap and mysqlbug have been removed (MDEV-7376, MDEV-8654)

Other changes

Added support for OpenSSL 1.1 and LibreSSL (MDEV-10332)

Persistent AUTO_INCREMENT for InnoDB (MDEV-6076)


"fast mutexes" have been removed. These aren't faster than normal mutexes, and have been disabled by default for years (MDEV-8111)

Old GPL client library is gone; now MariaDB Server comes with the LGPL Connector/C client library (MDEV-9055)



MySQL数据库分支系统MariaDB 10.2.6官方最新版



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