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孤岛惊魂2 官方升级档 (v1.03)

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孤岛惊魂2 官方升级档下载
好玩 好玩 0
坑爹 坑爹 0
  • 应用语言:中文
  • 应用大小:29.1M
  • 更新时间:2012-11-05 16:45
  • 发行时间:
  • 应用类型:经典
  • 应用标签: 孤岛惊魂2
#160;补丁内容:  Single Player  Fix some random crash occurring during specific Malaria attacks  Fix health damage not following the difficulty level when switching difficulty during player’s walkthrough  Fix some camera is[更多]


  Single Player

  Fix some random crash occurring during specific Malaria attacks

  Fix health damage not following the difficulty level when switching difficulty during player’s walkthrough

  Fix some camera issue when using a mortar near a rock


  Add the possibility to play Rank matches on a selection of user maps

  Add deaths in scoreboard

  Balance current damage model

  Show VIP on Scoreboard (for your team only)

  Players can stay on the same host for consecutive matches in Ranked match

  Add a Quick match button when selecting a map in the Map community

  Fix vehicles spawning on their initial position immediately after being destroyed by an explosion

  Fix client being disconnected from the host randomly and not being able to see it after that

  Fix death message does not appear randomly

  Fix some issues when interacting with objects

  Fix bandolier doesn’t always unlock extra ammo

  Fix some bug when healing another player and getting wounded at the same time

  Fix diamond gain in rank mode

  Fix players don’t get a request to keep a map after playing on a IGE map

  DLC Fix some issues when using the crossbow

  Dedicated server

  Add remote control

  Remove “shaky” interface

  Reduce approximately 80% of CPU usage

  Reduce approximately 50% of memory usage

  Extra feature

  Add a “hardcore mode” that will provide a new damage model where all weapons do much more damage to increase realism。

  Many of the new features were requested by members of the community and we would like to thank everyone for taking the time to communicate with us, we hope you will enjoy the improvements。


孤岛惊魂2 官方升级档 (v1.03)



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